Thursday, December 29, 2011

How Much Can Cybercriminals Make Off Your Personal Information? [INFOGRAPHIC]

CybercrookHave you ever wondered how much cybercriminals can make from your confidential information?

As it turns out, internet crooks can make a pretty penny by selling stolen information. Whether it’s the login to your email account ($20), your credit card details ($10) – or heck, even your WoW account credentials ($150) – there's always money to be made. Worst part is, that's not even counting what they can earn directly from you (like the $50 you paid for their rogue antivirus program?).

This infographic by Kaspersky Labs serves as a reminder on how important it is that we take the necessary precautions to keep our personal information private and secure. Yes, that means running antivirus software and not falling for phishing emails, online scams, or the bogus alerts from malware posing as innocuous programs.

Check it out:

Kaspersky Infographic: "How much you lose, what cybercriminals make"

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